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  1. B

    Second cycle, seeking more tips and guidance

    Hello, i am starting my second cycle. On my first cycle i ran test cyp and tbol with no arimidex in cycle and broke out in a acne reaction on the third month of my cycle so i stopped it that was last year around july or august. This cycle i have test ethanate 300mg/ml, tbol 50mg, and arimidex...
  2. B

    Chest and Shoulder acne help?

    Hello, My name is Brandon and i am a 25 year old male who has just recently began using Testerone Cypionate on 5/8/2020 and then incorporated Tbol on 6/8/2020 I was injecting twice a week 300mg and Tbol 40 mg daily. I have recently devolped chest and shoulder acne around 2-3 weeks ago. Tbol was...