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  1. S

    Small bump post injection

    <p>Hey guys, obviously I'm not looking for medical advice and I have been browsing the forums last 2 days to see if anyone had posted a similar experience, and only found one. I'm about to be on week 3 of a test cyp only cycle and have been pinning 500 mg per week twice a week. So far so good. a...
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    <p>any preferred methods of cardio you guys stick to? lately I've been on uphill walking or stairs and trying to keep my heart rate at about 136 to 145 and sustaining that for about a half hour or longer if I have time. Any suggestions? Thanks</p>
  3. S

    Hey fellas and gals

    <p>Its been a while since I've actually posted on here but I check the forums regularly. I was urged by Mister A to start posting again. Anyway, I think the support and wealth of knowledge is something I definitely miss. Glad to be back, for anyone wondering the purpose of this post I just...
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    Orals at the beginning of a cycle

    <p>I had a question, on which maybe someone can shed some light. I know it is common that some people stack deca or dbol with test and if you were pinning test alone you wouldn't expect to see gains from it until 6-7 weeks in.. Whereas if stacked with an oral you see those gains sooner. Why is...
  5. S

    Little help?

    <p>Hey guys, I haven't been posting on the forums recently, but have been keeping up to date. I caught a cold in the last several days. 9 days ago I weighed in at 211 which is the lowest weigh in since I started fitness and lifting. today I weighed in at 220. I was wondering if any of you guys...
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    How versatile is test?

    <p>Hey guys, first of all thanks for the warm welcome I appreciate it. Coming on here I originally had some interest in starting a GH cycle (btw I am a complete noob), however the more I read the more it seems GH may not be the best route for financial/practical reasons unless stacked with...
  7. S

    Hey all

    <p>Hey guys! It's good to be a part of this group I have found many of the topics to be informative and useful and the vibe here feels very supportive. I've been training for the last year and a half or so and have dropped from 275 lbs and softer than baby shit to 215 lbs and good gains along...