Diet and First Cycle



The goal is high. Is it reaIistic? Is it achievable? Those are questions to ask yourself when setting goals. Or you will find yourself beating yourself up if you don't reach it. Is a 6% drop impossible? How hard will you have to work to make that drop? Are you dedicated to train to reach that goal?   This is a process. Remember that you are going in steps at first... STRIVE FOR THAT 6% DROP SISTAH! BUT UNDERSTAND THAT IT COULD ACTUALLY BE LESS THAN THAT! AND YOU HAVE TO BE WILLING TO ACCEPT IT AND CONTINUE TO DRIVE ON! That's where adjustments to routine and diet will come in. Thats when you regroup. Replan. Grind, grind and grind some more!!!! The possibilities are endless! I saw a fabulous post that I put on my like page it says for you Babydoll!!! Check it out...




X2 wanna see how that goes with the stomach size..... Was gonna say eat 3 to 4 thousand cals a day.... But ya might look like roseanne.
