My HGH update and some differences


New member

Ok Gurus, I'm abt ready to start on a different suppliers GH after finishing up another's. So far there is much more in the vial on the new GH and a lot of vacuum! I remember posting a question  awhile ago abt the lack of vacuum. This new stuff has vacuum it sucked the bac wtr from the pin. I also noticed the vial was sealed/ tighter btr than the last supplier. In short after abt 7 months of on/off GH use, roughly 3-4 months straight.  (the sides were bad and I had to get used to them) im anxious and excited to use this new brand... Well new to me. Btw, I'm also using a low 175-200 test a week. 

I'll keep you guys updated on my results with new product. 




Acreed - did you run any labs with the previous HGH run? if yes, did you post them here?

PM which chinese brand you used before & the new one you switched to. 'Cause im on HGH now myself, 2 iu per day, 3 weeks in.



New member

Aye bro..

 No lab testing dome but I'll gladly share which brand i used prevously and what I'm on now and the differences. 

Sending you a req for friendship
