First eq blast!


Well-known member
Trying to stay consistent and track progress.
This forum really helps keep everything in order.
I started 2 weeks ago so everything is still working it's way into my system (except for the test obviously)
Dosage are
Test 650
EQ 500
Mast 200
Tren 200 (just started The tren today)
Dbol 20mg morning
Anadrol 50mg afternoon.
Mk677 12.5mg
Running the anadrol and dbol for the first 4 weeks then taking a break and running just anadrol for the last 4 weeks.
Also taking liver support and lots of water.
Calories will... well probably vary because of the mk.
But the goal is to get between 3,200 and 4,000 every day.
I won't be working... so my maintenance calories are going to drop like crazy. So even 3,200 is going to put size on me. I just downloaded a new macro counter to make life easier.
By the end of today I will get on the scale (a little nervous about that one because the last 3 days I haven't had much of an appetite. My job is about to end. The 8th is my last day of the season. I'm not getting fired or laid off... it's a seasonal job. I'll be back in the end of March. But because it's close up time I'm really busy and kinda stressed. So my meals have definitely took a hit)

But better or worse I'll get on the scale and take some pictures so I can get a baseline and see how badly I fuck this blast up 😂.

I just took this anadrol and dbol... idk... 30 minutes ago... I can definitely feel it.
I think I covered everything... oh I'm on 10mg of accutane every day. Seems to be working well.... um... anything else... um... oh yeah my goals. Going for the 1,000lb club. 275 bench, 325 squat, 400lb deadlift. I also want to hit a 145lb strict curl and pinch grip 2 25lb plates. I was considering a 185lb military press... but until I can workout outside, I'm going to push that off.
Oh.. I haven't said anything... Gainz would say... no over share... no witty humor... I must be losing my touch. Or maybe my girl really did suck the soal out of me last night...
(Boom fuckin nailed it!)
Ok... gonna go fuck shit up!


Well-known member
Jesus... I think I'm gonna cry... 185.7lb
I got some fuckin eating to do!
I knew the last few days I missed meals... but Jesus


Well-known member
I should have taken the pictures before I weighed myself... you can clearly see how pissed I am with myself.
But the good news is... one more week... and since I've already got to 192+ it won't take much to climb right back up.
But I didn't take the time to make the pictures perfect... I was too aggravated.
Just needed a baseline for the beginning of the blast.


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Well-known member
Just trying to track progress.
But here's one off the list! No chalk or anything


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bobby ricky

Well-known member
I should have taken the pictures before I weighed myself... you can clearly see how pissed I am with myself.
But the good news is... one more week... and since I've already got to 192+ it won't take much to climb right back up.
But I didn't take the time to make the pictures perfect... I was too aggravated.
Just needed a baseline for the beginning of the blast.
I fucking wish, still dead dick been living off of Cialis to get by lol. Blood test Friday morning at 945. Insurance and doctor problems lol. But do have appointment for blood finally. Mast did nothing for wood but looks good on me lol. Just been fucking and eating pussy so I’ve been very busy 😂.


Well-known member
I fucking wish, still dead dick been living off of Cialis to get by lol. Blood test Friday morning at 945. Insurance and doctor problems lol. But do have appointment for blood finally. Mast did nothing for wood but looks good on me lol. Just been fucking and eating pussy so I’ve been very busy 😂.

I can't believe mast didn't work... You're e2 is probably through the roof.
I'm just praying... (Even though I'm not religious) that your prostate is fine.
Because if there's one thing I care about... it's the shape of your prostate... 😉

bobby ricky

Well-known member
I can't believe mast didn't work... You're e2 is probably through the roof.
I'm just praying... (Even though I'm not religious) that your prostate is fine.
Because if there's one thing I care about... it's the shape of your prostate... 😉
Had blood work on Friday and will post results when I get.