Trt info


Hey i hear what your saying but look - hormones r not one size fits all. Dis i have any business runnin a thousand a week for last year…. Hell no i didnt but heres thing with my diseased brain and what my line of thinking behind it was…. As a recovering addict if one oxy is good then ten is better. I dis play around with rhe dosing over the last year and when i was stackinntren with it i seemed to do better at doses over about 4 to 5 hundred a week but then i discovered ( specific to me) nicrodosing. That was a game changer because it seemed the bigger whappers of test lets say 200 and above when id do that nuch at once the mire of a rebound effect it would have on my system and im sure thats due to estrogen conversion. So id do smaller amounts every other day or even daily hust dependent on the esther. But u r right man im not arguing. I disnt realize one form of test is the same end product as any of the other ones. I had to drive to the job site and explain to my foreman that the reason i couldnt work is because im a fukkin jackass and show him that my legs and ankles were five times their normal size because id started using steroids and clearly had no fukking iota what i was doing. At that point i took it down to just one esther of testoterone and one tren.
But i was pointing out i just ran into some resistance and yeah i think i was even told i had no business runnin gear - but come on r u saying u would not go agead at that point?? Ive been told that all my life so i wasnt gonna just not try to figure it out but i played a dangerous game. And once again no im mot big nor do i want to b but that being said i wouldnt say 5’8 191 lbs solid as a rock is anything to sneeze at . Even for any of you because where i lack n sheer size my muscles r defined and hard as rocks - so im doing something right.
Its not about having any business doing it can u put a price on a dream man?? Given my history 13 years of active addiction livin on the streets , prison- ive made a helluva turnaround and its a trye testament of just how resilient the human body really is.
Look, i and dont take this wrong no homo stuff here - but i admire alotta your physiques because i have that unique perspective on just how fukking backbreaking and time consuming this shit really is. Its an art it truly is- and a science, but again- im mot concerned with larry uses per week because uts his optimal dose. And keep in mind ive only been on 300 a week for about 3 weeks im still adjusting im still experiencing some really unpleasant withdrawals especially at night when im trying to sleep.
Now lemme say something to some of you yoked cats out there - You won!! When does it end your body building??? And i bet your response is never. I didnt start this to quit i didnt start to just give up. I gave up on life years and years ago when i put a needle in my arm full of heroin - im seein this to the end man and the science behind that is when i do this it releases the same dopamine and endorphins that injecting drugs did- its a part of my life now just as it is a part of all of yours.


Well-known member
yeah its all good brother , i have cycled gear not a straight run except for a number of times i stayed on gear for way to long as i fucked my organs up to some degree. but listen to gainz he a smart cookie, but hang around you seem like a good guy.ive seen alot of BB come and go and burn out its unbelieveable, just take your time and you will grow as long as your diet is clean. if you cant drink shakes eat something you like as long as it aint all fatty stuff. you know wat i mean.your neck dont usally get thick until you train things like your neck, i dont know your exercises you do but write them down ill look at it.


If i find im maintaining at 300 and not having to work harder then i already do then down the road i would not b opposed to go down a little its not a number thing and thats what im coming to understand about this stuff- the coordinator through the clinic i get my test from said sometimes more isnt better sometimes u can achieve same results on much lower levels so ill just have to see


Well-known member
Hey i hear what your saying but look - hormones r not one size fits all. Dis i have any business runnin a thousand a week for last year…. Hell no i didnt but heres thing with my diseased brain and what my line of thinking behind it was…. As a recovering addict if one oxy is good then ten is better. I dis play around with rhe dosing over the last year and when i was stackinntren with it i seemed to do better at doses over about 4 to 5 hundred a week but then i discovered ( specific to me) nicrodosing. That was a game changer because it seemed the bigger whappers of test lets say 200 and above when id do that nuch at once the mire of a rebound effect it would have on my system and im sure thats due to estrogen conversion. So id do smaller amounts every other day or even daily hust dependent on the esther. But u r right man im not arguing. I disnt realize one form of test is the same end product as any of the other ones. I had to drive to the job site and explain to my foreman that the reason i couldnt work is because im a fukkin jackass and show him that my legs and ankles were five times their normal size because id started using steroids and clearly had no fukking iota what i was doing. At that point i took it down to just one esther of testoterone and one tren.
But i was pointing out i just ran into some resistance and yeah i think i was even told i had no business runnin gear - but come on r u saying u would not go agead at that point?? Ive been told that all my life so i wasnt gonna just not try to figure it out but i played a dangerous game. And once again no im mot big nor do i want to b but that being said i wouldnt say 5’8 191 lbs solid as a rock is anything to sneeze at . Even for any of you because where i lack n sheer size my muscles r defined and hard as rocks - so im doing something right.
Its not about having any business doing it can u put a price on a dream man?? Given my history 13 years of active addiction livin on the streets , prison- ive made a helluva turnaround and its a trye testament of just how resilient the human body really is.
Look, i and dont take this wrong no homo stuff here - but i admire alotta your physiques because i have that unique perspective on just how fukking backbreaking and time consuming this shit really is. Its an art it truly is- and a science, but again- im mot concerned with larry uses per week because uts his optimal dose. And keep in mind ive only been on 300 a week for about 3 weeks im still adjusting im still experiencing some really unpleasant withdrawals especially at night when im trying to sleep.
Now lemme say something to some of you yoked cats out there - You won!! When does it end your body building??? And i bet your response is never. I didnt start this to quit i didnt start to just give up. I gave up on life years and years ago when i put a needle in my arm full of heroin - im seein this to the end man and the science behind that is when i do this it releases the same dopamine and endorphins that injecting drugs did- its a part of my life now just as it is a part of all of yours.
i give you alot of credit quiting herion, many my friends died cause of that drug. ive tried everything in my past but BB saved me yrs ago even when i was actively drinking i made it to the gym. i mean i was 6 yrs old with franco columbo on the wall waiting to be just like him.


Well-known member
No homo is the story of my life 😂🤣.I spend most of my time looking at half naked men on the Internet.
And would I have listened... well I did brother.
I came here with no experience looking to run a anavar only cycle. They called me an idiot and told me what to do... and I did it.

Trust me I'm not judging you, I only wish I could have helped sooner.
Luckily you will most likely recover from this.

Now when does it end... never... body dismorphia is a very real thing.
When I was 137lb I just wanted to be 170. When I was 170 I just wanted 180. Then I said 195-200 is my max... well I'm 192 right now and I'm not happy... so 215 is my goal!
But I'm going for aesthetics and symmetry... and enough size to be impressive... imposing.

And I'm not telling you to quit... I'm telling you to be smarter and safer!
Stick around... we all help one another... hell I've been pushing myself harder because of another member here. @Lee.the.Human
Because we're so close in height, weight, physical appearance... it's like a friendly competition.
Any time I don't feel like lifting... I think of Lee and his beautiful fuckin lats... and how bad I want that!
Then I grab the weights and have my way with them!
I really think you'll fit right in brother.
We all just want to better ourselves and have some fun.

(I'm truly fuckin sorry you're first experience was so bad here... I'm truly upset because of it. Even talked to my girl about it.
Stick around and see just how fucking awesome this place can be... we have so much more to share)

Also... post some pics!!
There might be a easier way.... but for mine to load I have to send the pictures to myself on Facebook messenger and then save them. That compresses them enough to post here.
Some people can just screenshot, but that doesn't work for me. Others email themselves the pictures and then save to phone from there.

5'8 191... I bet you look solid as fuck!
I bet you bench way more than me!!


Well-known member
If i find im maintaining at 300 and not having to work harder then i already do then down the road i would not b opposed to go down a little its not a number thing and thats what im coming to understand about this stuff- the coordinator through the clinic i get my test from said sometimes more isnt better sometimes u can achieve same results on much lower levels so ill just have to see
yeah you can grow just as goood with lower dosages , like i use to get my stuff at the racetrack the test suspension, eq boy that was some powerful shit no wonder why those horses could run that godamn fast. the suspension gave me incredable strength not like today.


Lol, thats funny bout the horses nbthats something ive yet to try the eq. I was gonna at one point run either edq w the test base ir primobolan. And sadly i gotta say i dont have a bench period- i have started doing decline and incline presses but up till recently all i did was machines because thats mostly what planet fitness has- i am at 24 hour now and ive expanded my horizons w now im using freewights , cables, machines eyc. But deadlifts and benchlress i have yet to start- i dont do very heavy weights i just do alot more reps n sets. For instance like the seated dumpbell shoulder presses i use the 55 and 60 lb dumpbells but i do a good 10 plus sets 9-12 reps per set.
Compared to some of u i look like ….well, i have a ways to go lol, but ive come so very far and it means alot u guys r telling me all this u guys r bein really helpful and cool to me now so ty all for that. I tried attatch pic but it says file too large so ill try to figure out something else


Well-known member
55-60 lb dumbells is good, youll grow using that much weight for sure, but to hit your potential it takes between 5 yrs - 8 yrs. depending if you take breaks but once inawhile you need to take 1 week off and just eat wright and chill. your doing good just keep at it.


Well-known member
Yeah you need to save the pictures to your phone... either through text or email. This will compress them enough to post


Well-known member
Compared to some of u i look like ….well, i have a ways to go lol,
exactly! you may have ways to go, and we aim for healthy competition here. I mean, we will never discredit you, even if you're 40% body fat. the fact that someone aims to get their lives back and works towards it is what really matters. as @Gainz. we look at half naked men every day, but I doubt any veteran here envy. it just makes us work even harder.
our relationship here is built on mutual respect, regardless of how you look. and we try to help each other in terms of looking and feeling better


Thanx man i appreciate u guys. Really. Im not treally used to people bein cool to me., its nice for a change though.
5-8 yrs - damn thats quite a ways off a little discouraging but im not gonna thinknof it all in terms of how much longer n all that ill jus keep goin.


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Yeah i cant upload any of my other ones that r recent sobu can get an idea of where im at.
I onow i cant fukk w u guys but its a work in progress.
I tried every way u said and for some dumb reason it will oy upload that body scan screenshot and that pic of me six months ago while getti g some blood tests at the hospital.


Well-known member
Quit selling yourself short, you look big... bigger than me.
And yeah this is a lifestyle... not a sprint. So enjoy the ride brother


Gainz lmao- i do appreciate your candor but maybe all the years of gear has rendered your eyesight nil!
Ur way bigger way more cut but u also been at it much longer and u r right though its not a race.
I appreciate u sayin that all the same.


Well-known member
Thanx man i appreciate u guys. Really. Im not treally used to people bein cool to me., its nice for a change though.
5-8 yrs - damn thats quite a ways off a little discouraging but im not gonna thinknof it all in terms of how much longer n all that ill jus keep goin.

Man I want to get this done!
I wonder if they can finally tell me how much my 🍆 weighs...🤔
I know the answer is "a fucking ton" but I want a actual number... 😁


Well-known member
Gainz lmao- i do appreciate your candor but maybe all the years of gear has rendered your eyesight nil!
Ur way bigger way more cut but u also been at it much longer and u r right though its not a race.
I appreciate u sayin that all the same.

Bro... there's no way you don't look bigger than me!
You're 5'8 191
I'm 6ft 191
My arms are 16"
You have more mass on you than I do.
Sure I may be more lean... but everyone says for a taller guy to look as big as a smaller guy you need 8lbs per inch of height .
So I would need to be 24lbs heavier to look as big as you.
That's why Lee Priest looks like a absolute fuckin monster at only 215lbs. Because dude is only 5'4. Meanwhile Ronnie needed to be 300lbs at 5'11

I can tell by your arm and shoulders... you have some real size on you